That plan apparently didn’t work out, though, because the school district superintendent Joseph A. Police do admit that it was no crime when Leiseth sent nude images of herself to the high school students because they were 18 at the time they received the images.Īccording to the cops, one of the two teens said Leiseth warned him not to tell anyone about the illicit fling. “She was not their teacher at the time, and they were not her students,” Deriso told CBS Pittsburgh. Leiseth’s attorney, Mike Deriso, argues that the law doesn’t apply in this case. McCarthy added that the law originated in 2007 “to give people who are being supervised by others protection.” “Regardless of your age, whether you’re an adult or not, if you’re a high school student, a teacher cannot have sexual relations with you,” Moon Township Police Chief Leo McCarthy told WPIX. The raft of charges against the teacher also includes furnishing alcohol to minors, notes CBS Pittsburgh. She now faces charges of institutional sexual assault – a third-degree felony – because the students had not yet officially graduated.
Under Pennsylvania law, Leiseth seems to have jumped the gun on the deadline for teacher-student sex by just a few days. Prior to all the excitement, Leiseth had – of course – sent the two students nude photos of herself.